How to Have a “Drought-tolerant” Garden That's Actually Nice to Be In

Good News: You Don’t Need a Major Re-Landscaping, 
A bunch of succulents, or 50 lbs of gravel…

Hey Conscious Homeowner,

My name is Max. I’m a plant nerd, a G3-certified gardener, and an EMPHATIC Angeleno...

The reason I love LA so much? The outdoor living! 

But as each year feels hotter than the last, and more and more gardens dry up, I'm concerned that it might not always be as lovely as it is right now...


Guzzling up a whopping 75% of residential imported water use, when the drought hit, our yards were WOEFULLY UNPREPARED for this sort of climate chaos!!! 

Water bills skyrocketed. The government encouraged us to “GO BROWN.” Turn off the sprinklers, they said! Throw down some gravel, plant tiny succulents and hope for the best…we'll give you a rebate!

The saddest part is, the government had it ALL WRONG! 

These "solutions" only made matters worse!

Covering up your land, or letting it dry up only ACCELERATES desertification. And contrary to what you’ve heard, the LA basin is NOT a desert! But, it will become one if we keep this up…

Which seems likely. Because right now, most homeowners are stuck with the WORST POSSIBLE RESULTS of a century of land mis-management and 6 years of severe drought:

Lifeless, drab backyards that bring you down. Sickly, sad trees. Thirsty plants that will never be satisfied. Sterile lawns surviving on toxic chemicals. Ultra-aggressive invasive species. Dusty, compacted soil. And hot, fresh concrete.



The weirdest part?...

Outdoor Space Counts for 10-20% percent of Real Estate Value…!!! For A LOT of the homes around here, that’s an asset worth protecting! (Plus, part of what keeps SoCal so desirable is the lovely, temperate weather…)

AND YET, EVEN HIGH-END PROPERTIES are ESPECIALLY struggling with broken systems and fully lackluster gardens!

I’ve spent the past 2-and-a-half years digging around in $1 million dollar-plus homes here in Southern California. I've worked closely with dozens and dozens of clients to solve their problems and implement sustainable solutions…

And in 90% of those homes - and I see this stuff everywhere I turn! - I uncovered 1 of 3 types of backyard disasters:

  1. “Trying to do the right thing, but disappointed with the results.” Homeowners who turned off their sprinklers to save water and were completely unprepared to receive last year’s rain!!! Now the life has been sucked dry from their soil. Plants can't get the nutrients they need to spring back to life. Now the sprinklers drip sporadically onto lonely dirt patches…sad…

  2. “It’s just kind of a total mess! I think my groundskeeper hates me...Help!” We totally get it. What used to be en vogue in Southern California has shown itself to be SERIOUSLY problematic! Most of us have these crazy mid-western, east-coast, Caribbean or tropical landscapes. They’re TOTAL resource-hogs! California is beautiful in its own right. The most resilient and tasteful garden is one that BELONGS HERE. 

  3. “I just moved in. This isn’t really my taste, but I don’t want Palm Springs…” Soooo many new homeowners inherit mediocre 1970's yards. Fully underwhelming, kind of struggling, with tons of broken systems and dreeeeaary, misshapen plants. They don’t know what to do without the fuss of a major re-landscaping. And they definitely don't want to plant a bunch of cacti. So they try this and that, but nothing really works. Seeds don't take hold, and new plantings die en masse. 

Where did all these successful, conscious homeowners go wrong? 

It’s habit. It’s culture. It’s industry standard landcare. Which especially in California, has been SO POOR for SO LONG! 

The problem is: this place grew up thinking water was in unlimited supply and that the land was ours to dominate!

We never considered the consequences! Of creating sterile or artificial environments. Of dumping toxic chemicals everywhere, cranking up a dozen sprinklers for hours a day, or planting some flashy Floridian blooms everywhere…

To maintain it all, we became ADDICTED to overwatering… 

And even WORSE, to dirt cheap maintenance!!!!

....which makes breaking the habit even trickier...

Unfortunately this isn’t Europe. We don’t know our groundskeepers' names. They aren’t making enough money to live anywhere remotely near us... 

Instead they come in from afar with noisy, oversized power tools and “clean” everything up…then they leave, quickly and mysteriously as they appeared….

Homeowners who want to make a change, don’t really have anyone to easily turn to for help…certainly not anyone who will be there for them long after the pipes are laid and the plants are in the ground! 

The landscaping industry is all low-skill maintenance, or expensive, one-off specialists!

You can drop boatloads of money for an irrigation AUDIT, and yachtloads on a new system. Just bringing in the tree guy for a quick look costs an iPad pro, and then who are you going to have apply the treatments???

Or, if money’s REAAALLLY no object, you can order a total makeover from a number of sustainable landscape designers which I will happily recommend to you…

BUT EVEN THEN! You won’t find someone with sensitivity and expertise who’s invested in the long-term health, growth, sustainability and beauty of your landscape…

Land is a complex, living thing! A devoted human should care for it!

You can’t just bring your sprinkler system to the genius bar when it breaks and get a new one.  And when you’re still relying on machines rather than people to take care of your land, there will be breaks. Often. 

You need someone looking after the BIG PICTURE AND the LITTLE DETAILS!

  • Someone to ensure that EVERYTHING—your plants, systems and maintenance practices—is 100% working together, and 100% in alignment with the kind of person you want to be in the world.

  • Someone who authentically desires for your garden to thrive. Who watches over it as it continues to evolve and develop.

  • Someone who will be there every season to support and nurture this beautiful lifeforce with the care it deserves!!!

That’s who I want to be for you! I’m not here to replace your groundskeeper (though I will train him/her). I’m not here to give your lawn an overnight makeover.

I’m here to be the gardener you’ll love to get to know!

My small team of G3-certified gardeners and I are here to make this FUN for you. Our goal will be to immediately heal, slowly transform, and continuously provide the BEST holistic care for your land…we will:

  • Revive your soil and provide it with regular treatments.

  • Train and manage your groundskeeper, keeping them on task.

  • Make sure your watering is on-point with the weather and your sprinkler systems are in tip-top shape - wasting nothing!

  • Set up sustainable, closed systems that make the most of every precious resource on your property!

  • Bring in your dream plants, veggies, trees and more!

  • And most important, protect you from the chaos and stress of the landscaping industry...

Assuming you don’t have tooo much time to learn to garden yourself, me and my team are going to make this easy for you.... 

It’s all going to happen
without any fuss, stress, 
or demand on you!


(Beyond showing us your Pinterest Board, if you’d like…)


Yes, you are going to be paying more for your landcare. But it’s the right thing to do. And it’s absolutely worth it. And it’s nothing outside your comfort zone. 

And, the long-term benefits are a no-brainer. You will be so much better prepared for the next drought (they happen every summer!). And the more mature and healthy your garden grows, the less of us you’ll need to see. You will save money on water, labor and materials in the long run. Your land will start to create more resources than it uses up!

You deserve a garden that makes you FEEL ALIVE!


If your home is worth $1M+ and your garden is less than a peaceful, dreamy wonderland where you absolutely LOVE to meditate, read, do yoga, sip your morning coffee, enjoy a glass of wine with friends…why not just move to a condo?

Gravel and dust doesn’t make you feel anything. You get to have a garden that does. Not only is the energy, the vibration, the fragrance and the beauty of a thriving garden irreplaceable... a healthy, sustainable garden is the best contribution you can make our community locally!

Now is the time to lead by example. Imagine if all of our planet was cared for this way?!? We’d SEQUESTER ALL THE CARBON!!! 

Holistic land care IS the way of the future!

Everything we do at Saturate is organic, non-toxic, high-quality and ULTRA NOURISHING for your land! Our approach to gardening is holistic, feminine, and science-supported. All of our gardeners are G3-certified and paid a living wage, with tons of opportunity to advance in our company.

And, we not only handle your routine, high-level maintenance and soil treatments...

...We also carry out the larger projects that will bring life to your garden: plantings, seedings, rainwater maximization, plant removal, pruning and more!  

It’s having an expert take responsibility for every aspect of your garden. That’s how we get everything working together over the long term. 

Because your garden is worth much more than its real estate value!

Remember: Healthy soil and diverse plant life provide essential, invaluable ecological services. Like sequestering carbon, producing oxygen, retaining moisture, providing habitat and delighting happy humans!

You probably know that if we want a new food system, we have to start paying more for our food. Well..if we’re going to heal the planet, we’re going to have to invest just a little bit more in our landcare…

For you, the early-adopter, the first step is FREE. 

For starters, I want to meet you and discuss your dreams for your garden... 

While we’re at it, I’m going to check out your irrigation system. Learn about your gardener. Check up on your plant health and collect all the information I’d need to create a holistic maintenance plan that’s custom-tailored to you. 

It would take several specialists to diagnose everything I’m going to look at for you.

But I’m going to spend 45 minutes sharing my expert recommendations and advice, free. 

Not all of our clients need that much work that often. Not everybody needs us at all—some choose to DIY!

But if like our pioneering clients, you’re ready to make a significant change and you want us to handle everything for you, I will tell you exactly which Garden Care package would be right for you. 

The final budget will be up to you. You can take it as fast or slow as you’d like. To make a difference, you could spend as little as a new iPad this year, or as much as a sensible new sedan. 

You have nothing to lose by taking this first step, and EVERYTHING TO LEARN about your garden! 

The information you receive in our free session will save you hours of research and possibly hundreds or thousands of dollars!

I would be honored and excited to tell you about your plants, your trees, your micro-climate and your soil, and help you figure out where you’d like to take your garden next!

You know the world has been putting off sustainability for FAR TOO LONG!

And that there are tooo many people out there who’d rather wait till things are really DIRE and deadly to actually make a change…

So I ask that you take on step forward RIGHT NOW. Get this in the books.

Our clients are raising the bar for land care in Southern California, and showing everyone just how beautiful, cool, vibrant and harmonious a sustainable garden can be…

Will you adapt with us?

Click the button above to seamlessly book your free 45 minute Discovery Session with me! Can’t wait to meet!

Here's to happy plants!
— Max Kanter

P.S. Now is the time to prep for winter plantings! A gorgeous spring bloom awaits those who don’t delay another minute in healing their soil! Book your session with me now!!!